CPD for teachers isn’t always the most efficient or cost-effective way of bringing about lasting change in the classroom. Below you can find details of two ‘direct delivery‘ experiences, which involve Neil working with a group of your pupils to strengthen their practice in classroom dialogue / P4C and to enable them to support others. The courses are informed by recent research, and by a great deal of experience!
Advantages of this model include:
- no necessity for cover for teachers;
- authentic training and leadership opportunity for pupils;
- the opportunity for one or more teachers / TAs to join the session and so gain professional development;
- a greater likelihood that new practice will become embedded in classroom culture.
The courses are most suitable for pupils in Key Stage 2 or Key Stage 3. Groups of between 12 and 30 pupils will be accepted. Pupils can be from one year group, or from different year groups. Courses can currently be booked for £400
Contact neil@21stcenturylearners.org.uk now to book a course for your pupils.
Pupil Leaders of Dialogue
This course is informed by research including a study of classroom dialogue carried out by Cambridge University and research connected to the Thinking Together Project, also based at Cambridge. Neil is an affiliate of Oracy Cambridge, and co-author (with Professor Rupert Wegerif) of the book Dialogic Education: mastering core concepts through thinking together.
This course aims to:
- enable pupils to participate more effectively in whole-class and small-group dialogue;
- increase the effectiveness of group work;
- enable pupils to lead dialogue with their peers;
- develop pupils’ appreciation of the nature and value of dialogue in and beyond education.
Components of the course include:
- an exploration of dialogue, its value and how it relates to other forms of cummunication;
- the development of ‘ground rules’ for effective dialogue;
- skills development exercises including listening, questioning and responding;
- engagement in whole- and small-group dialogues
- leading others in dialogue
- peer tutoring
Contact neil@21stcenturylearners.org.uk now to book a course for your pupils.
Pupil Leaders of P4C
This course is informed by Neil’s years of experience as a P4C trainer with SAPERE and DIalogue Works, and by his wider work on dialogic teaching and learning (see above).
The course aims to:
- develop pupils’ appreciation of the nature and value of P4C;
- develop pupils’ confidence and ability to participate in enquiries;
- teach advanced skills to deepen enquiries;
- enable pupils to take a leading role in enquiries and the development of P4C in the school.
Components of the course include:
- participation in an in-depth enquiry;
- exercises to develop pupils’ ability to raise valuable enquiry questions;
- skills development exercises including the use of philosophical language;
- concept development exercises;
- a closer look at the 4Cs and their role in scaffolding reflection and progress;
- a workshop on the facilitation of enquiries.
Contact neil@21stcenturylearners.org.uk now to book a course for your pupils.